Howell, Mich. – The Livingston County Homeless Continuum of Care (HCC) invites the community to recognize November as Homeless Awareness Month.
The HCC is hosting a Destination Home Student Art Event at LESA on November 20 from 5 pm – 7 pm. There will be student art around the theme, raffles, and resources available during the event. The November 20th event provides an opportunity for residents to think and learn about homelessness and understand the challenges unhoused and at-risk individuals face as they seek shelter and work to establish stability.
Despite Livingston County’s affluence, identifying individuals experiencing homelessness can be challenging. To better understand this issue, we present two real-life stories from our community:
“I started working with the Connection Youth Services about three years ago. I’ve heard about them
through my school social worker. I reached out because unfortunately, I was experiencing homelessness. Within the past year and a half, I’ve became a youth council member, have been approved for the transitional living program, started therapy, and learned so many new skill sets that I would need for when I exit the program. I attend life skills group that teaches and demonstrates a variety of skills that you will need out in the world. I attend meetings with my case manager to help make sure I’m meeting my goals in a way that is productive. This helped me enroll and start college! I help orchestrate monthly events for youth to attend so they can come relax and have fun. The Connection Youth Services has definitely changed my life for the better.”—Amanda, Client of The Connection Youth Services
In August 2023, after fleeing a domestic violence situation that left her upended, Elayne found refuge at Bethel Suites. The toll of her experience was heavy, compounded by the uncertainty of not having a permanent home. The stress weighed so intensely on her that she suffered a heart attack during her stay. But even in the face of this daunting obstacle, Elayne’s spirit remained unbroken.
With the help of Ascension Hospital social workers, she connected with OLHSA and other local agencies, determined to secure a safe, stable home. There were days when the road seemed impossibly long. Elayne faced numerous health setbacks along the way, yet she never lost sight of her goal. Even after being approved for a housing voucher, the challenge of finding an available unit within her time limit seemed overwhelming.
But Elayne’s strength was met with kindness. A member of Community Bible Church’s BBQ ministry heard of her struggles and came alongside her to share an open door—a senior apartment complex with a waiting list—and Elayne applied. Weeks later, her perseverance paid off: Elayne was accepted. In September 2024, with the keys to her new home in hand, Elayne crossed the threshold into a new chapter of her life. Her journey wasn’t just about finding housing; it was about reclaiming her dignity, health, and peace. Elayne’s story is a powerful reminder that, no matter how difficult the path, there is always hope.
Homeless Awareness Month is promoted in conjunction with the Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH) and will be held statewide throughout November. It is a concerted effort to raise the public’s awareness about issues relating to homelessness in the state of Michigan. The Livingston County Homeless Continuum of Care and member agencies sponsor this event locally; In addition to the art event, this year’s activities included:
• A donation drive – needs include: Backpacks, hats and gloves, socks, underwear, hygiene items (think toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, and soap), and snacks
• Dine to Donate at Sunrise Diner on Friday, November 8 – dine in or carry out and 10% of sales will go into a Barrier Buster Fund!
For community members seeking additional background information about the landscape of homelessness in our county, visit the Human Services Collaborative Body’s website to view resources and fact sheets.
Please help us by sharing the 2024 Event Flyer!
To obtain more information, contact Amy Johnston at 810.772.4827 or ajohnston@cmhliv.org.